Manhattan Beach Unified School District

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MB Coordinating Council

MB Coordinating Council
The Belamar Hotel, 3501 N Sepulveda Blvd, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266, USA

The schedule for MB Coordinating Council luncheons is listed below. Please mark your calendars now and note the date by which you need to notify me of your student honorees. You know I will be sending you friendly reminders as the deadlines approach J. If your assigned date does not work, please let me know ASAP so we can swap accordingly. Thanks.

5 Luncheons:
Thurs., Nov. 17 (name due 11/4)
Pacific (one 5th grader)
MBMS (one 6th-8th grader)
MCHS (one 10th-11th grader)
Thurs., Jan. 19 (name due 12/23)
Grand View (one 5th grader)
MBMS (one 6th-8th grader)
MCHS (one 10th-11th grader)
Thurs., Marc.16 (name due 3/3)
Robinson (one 5th grader)
MBMS (one 6th-8th grader)
MCHS (one 10th-11th grader)
Thurs., Apr. 20 (name due 4/7)
Pennekamp (one 5th grader)
Meadows (one 5th grader)
MBMS (one 6th-8th grader)
MCHS (one 10th-11th grader)
Thurs., May 18
MCHS Scholarships (12th grade)

Please note:
· MCHS outstanding student should be considered from entire student body.
· MBUSD single point contact (me! [email protected]) for collecting names of all attendees/guests.
o All Outstanding Student names must be submitted by due date in order for political offices to have sufficient time to process certificates.
· MBCC pays luncheon cost for Outstanding Student and Teacher/Staff Presenter only.
· All guests of students should be encouraged to pre-pay via the website:
· Payment at door is optional, but registration/RSVP online is required.

Heather Hoffman
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Manhattan Beach Unified School District
325 S. Peck Avenue
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
(310)318-7345, x5902

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