Manhattan Beach Unified School District

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Chromebooks Are Coming to MBMS

In 2012, the Manhattan Beach Unified School District initiated its 1-to-1 iPad program at MBMS. After seven years of implementation, student use of technology in the classroom is nothing new and is just a way of doing business in the middle school. In 2012, when MBUSD implemented this program, the iPad was "the only game in town." There was no other device with a similar battery life, portability, or price that could be used in schools. Now, in 2019, there are many options for us to consider. 

A middle school technology committee has been meeting to discuss the possibility of moving from iPads to Chromebooks. There are several reasons for considering this change:

  • Better restrictions and controls
    • Web Filters, at school and district levels, that can better protect students from inappropriate websites and cyberbullying
    • Fewer apps to distract from student learning
    • Easier for district personnel to set controls on devices
  • Lower Cost, depending on the model
  • Improvements in Chromebook technology
    • Chromebooks now have a 60% market share in American classrooms
  • Greater in-house serviceability with replaceable parts, which also lower costs
  • Built-In Keyboard
  • In discussions with MBUSD's Tech Department, the Chromebooks are preferable because of:
    • Ease of management
    • Ease of adding applications
    • Ease of security and updates

The MBMS tech committee has recommended that the 6th grade class of 2019-20 be the first class to make this move to Chromebooks. On January 23, 2019, the Board of Trustees discussed this issue. On March 13, 2019, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved the implementation. MBMS and District staff are now working on an implementation plan to prepare for this transition.